
发布时间:2021-11-16 发布者:盛倩


  讲座题目: The Impacts of Children on Chinese Household Asset Holdings: An Intra-household Approach.


  地点:文沁楼119会议室 / 腾讯会议ID: 580 288 486

  主持人: 高思涵博士




  This paper examines whether there is unequel treatment of boys and girlswhen parents make decisions about investing in household assets. Using the Chinese Family Panel Survy, we use Working-Leser functions to investigate the effect of household population composition by gender and age on changes in asset holdings.The results indicate that traditionally designated family obligation towards sons may have led parents to put money into the more secured and longer lasting type of assets. Since adult daughters, largely, are not the responsibility of their own parents, families are more likely to hold more liquid assets. Gender biases in asset allocation have implications on household wealth levels and intergenerational wealth transfers , and hence on gerder equity in socio-economic status.