
讲座预告 | 希贤—CRG云论坛【第十三期】预告
发布时间:2023-02-25 发布者:李玥彤

报告主题:Disability and Persistent Lack of Care Among Older Adults in China, the United States, England, and the European Union

内容摘要:Global estimates for disability are on the rise amid rapid population aging.As sistance with dailyliving is essential for people who suffer from disability Using harmonized data in the past decade on community-dwelling partici pants aged 50+from China, the United States, England. and the European Union,ourestimates consistently showed that, across all 31 countries in vastly different stages ofdevelopment at least one fifth of demented individuals re porting difficulty with any basic or instrumental activities of daily living(ADL/IADL)received no care for their functional limitations. Substantial dis parities were alsoidentified.In particular, the less educated had significantly higher prevalence ofreporting ADL/IADL difficulty with no formal care re ceived.People living alone had higher prevalence of reporting ADL/IADL difficulty with no informal care received. Overall. Lack ofany care did not im prove over time, regardless ofthe stages of development. Our estimates high light the urgency to ensure basic provision of care for people suffering from disabilities,especially among those who are less educated or live alone.

主讲人简介:陈希 博士

     耶鲁大学全球健康政策与经济学副教授,兼任耶鲁社会政策研究所、耶鲁老龄化研究所、耶鲁全球健康研究所、美国联邦阿尔兹海默症研究中心、Claude D.Pepper老龄美国中心、耶鲁气候变化与健康中心、麦克米兰中心、雅礼中国学会等的兼职教授。他同时担任联合国顾问,德国IZA劳动经济研究院研究员、全球劳工组织环境与人力资本研究组组长,康奈尔大学健康经济与不平等中心高级研究员,美国国家科学基金会、美国国立卫生研究院、联合国多家机构的外部评审人。他的研究结合经济学因果推断、机器学>与深度学习、传统流行病学方法,通过深入分析中、美、欧医疗健康体系大数据。和多个社会追踪调查数据,聚焦于研究人口老龄化、全生命周期健康、生命质。量等领域的公共政策。这些研究获得美国农业与应用经济学会杰出博士论文奖、美国国家卫生研究院Claude Pepper学者奖、国家老龄化研究院Butler-Williams学者、George Warren应用经济研究奖、人口经济学Kuznets奖。宁波诺丁汉大学经济学院助理教授。2018年获得香港中文大学博士学位。研究领域为应用微观经济学,包括劳动经济学、健康经济学和中国经济。她的研究发表于Journal of Labor Eco- nomics和Journal of Comparative Eco nomics等国际权威期刊。

活动时间:2023年3月16日(星期四) 21:00-22:30(北京时间)13:00-14:30(英国时间)